Iranian asymmetric nukes

In my latest dream i was strategizing for Persia, given Trump now has to “start and win a quick war” to get re-elected. My avatar saud ( woops said) , go nuclear – without the showy explosion (which is to unIsamic and all too full of yanqui hell hath no more fury than the inherently pissed off New England Puritans)

Powder the spend nuclear fuel (quick now, the avatar urged) and scrape a scratch in the metal casing of these gazzilion tiny short range rockets. Just Glue/tape a bit of radioactive power into the scratch. Launch 200 at any shipping – mostly to contaminate the vessel, the oil, and disrupt the global shipping insurance market, his ship assets are financed/leveraged etc And at the oil terminals (and at anything if economic value really, i think it said).

The idea, as explained, Was to do low level contaminating – not explode stuff really.

More tyrion greek wild fire, less danny with all her dragons and death

— well, now analyzing that bit of tv fantasy induced dreamland —

Patriot missiles are useless.m (or helpful). F-15s are useless against one man walking a rucksack of rockets. Warthogs useless if he is walking alone or through (eg bombed out rubble Cities a la stalingrad) . Viet Cong proved that (as did russia itself, facing unlimited nazi resources, for a while)

All the us can do is commit ground forces (which will make trump mad as hell and cost him his glorious ceasar like triumph). Or make iraq play the role (hint).

Draw them in, make it another long drawn out iraq (where the us military strategy suffered from inability to deal with the asymmetry lying behind every drain and culvert, and left a million soldiers with long term costs of ptsd , from the constant stress of having no ice cream from the px for dinner and, ugh, trumps profile on their service medal!

As you saw in iraq, the us army is bad at holding territory. Its technology and training is counterproductive to that kind of fight.

Now you really are fighting asymmetrically. Its Iraq all over again, as they would have to attempt to contain the tiny missile threat with the wrong wrong weapon system designed mostly for tv victories, tv triumphs, etc. saddam got that bit right!

Oh and put containers of spent fuel on all rooftops, so when they start bombing they know they spread the radioactivity into the planet’s air supply. Now the neighbor countries will care … about the bombing campaign (since they get real consequences, within the 24h news cycle, as planetary air moves fast!)

What do you do with your icbms? Use them or lose them, day 1 , first hour, second minute after the first radar blip. Just change out the silly explosive warhead for spent fuel. Let the patriot hit it mid flight and setup self destruct …so it spreads the fuel way up high in the atmosphere… ready for the next rains…

Lets see how the us military strategy handles it, now there is a fifty year global consequences, with unknown spread of the war zone

Remember vircingetrix (sp?) the celt is just as famous as Julius Caesar, a few thousand years later. You can win against an empire by losing.

About home_pw

Computer Programmer who often does network administration with focus on security servers. Sometimes plays at slot machine programming.
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