Iranian cyber response

If its true that the usa just used em And related cyber against the computer and/controllers of “Iranian-made” missile batteries, there is an appropriate counter response – assuming it succeeded.

Its a savvy Islamic response.

Disclose in great detail how it works, what its impact was, how you go about fixing…your analysis of the how the supply chain was fixed ip (years ago) to either deliver unsuitable chip packages (or corrupt that batch, for your delivery)


The thing they will hate about all that is the disclosure of how and why (as now everyone with contaminated chips also goes and upgrades). You just “force multiplied…” using their internet against them.

Btw space-rad hardening requires certain orbit based experiments, to master the knowhow. Good use for those icbms…

About home_pw

Computer Programmer who often does network administration with focus on security servers. Sometimes plays at slot machine programming.
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